Crescent Moon over Caloundra
this was taken half an hour before
the "Sunrise from Golden Beach" photo

Sunrise from Golden Beach
I really like this photo, taken
at sunrise with pelicans sillhouted in the foreground and the
sun rising over Bribie Island

Glasshouse Mountains
named by Captain Cook because
they resemble glasshouses he remembered from his home in Yorkshire
mountains are (from left to right):
Tibrogargan, Beerburrum, Tibberoowuccum,
Coonowrin, Tunbubudla Twins and Beerwah

Tea Tree Bay
Noosa National Park
this national park has many great walking tracks with spectacular
ocean scenery

Fishing off Dolphin Point,
Noosa National Park
they were catching plenty of fish
when I took this photo

Sunset on Pt Cartwright, Mooloolooba
last rays of sun reflected off